Friday, February 20, 2009


It seems like a lot has happened since I last posted. It's been a pretty rough month, but I'm going to try and focus on the positive! So here's a little bit of an update....

We had a fun 'snow day' I guess you could call it. A few weeks ago, we had some perfect snowman building snow. We built our huge mexican snowman! We put a sombrero on him, and a scarf, but the scarf wouldn't go all the way around his neck! He measured to be about 5'6", but he looks absolutely massive next to Jackson! Then Jackson had to help Forrest shovel the driveway. He loves to help daddy!

Jackson is now in a 'big boy bed'. We converted his crib down into a day bed, and he was so excited! The first few nights he did great, but about the 3rd night, he fell out for the first time. It was kinda sad, but funny in a way. We heard the thud, so we jumped out of bed. He just whined a little and said, "I fell out of bed" all sad, but was already climbing back up into it. He's such a trooper!

His vocabulary skills are still expanding! He talks so well, and surprises us with big words he hears. The other day while visiting family in Utah, we were watching Grandma's fish, and I pointed out the plecostomus, and without missing a beat, he repeated it perfectly! It was hilarious!
Jackson also got his 2 year pictures taken, and they turned out so adorable! I'll see if I can post them here. He's also gone through a major growth spurt, because some of the clothes that we got him for Christmas, don't fit him anymore! Crazy!

Well, that's about all I can think of at the moment. :)

1 comment:

~*Jen*~ said...

I was out to lunch with a bunch of ladies from work when you sent me that pic of the snowman and Jackson, and they all thought he was so cute (and little) next to the ginormous snowman! LOL. That's funny about the fish, though. It cracks me up when little kids say "big people" words ;)